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Conferencia Cesare Pautasso (Universidad de Lugano): El viernes, 21 de Noviembre de 2014, el profesor Cesare Pautasso, de la Universidad de Lugano (Italia), imparte una charla invitada titulada: “Informatics Research Perspectives: Industry vs. Academia”. Research in Informatics and Computer Science is carried out in Universities and also Industry Labs, with different goals, constraints and priorities. Both perspectives have a significant impact on scientific and technological progress, but this impact is measured in a very different way. This talk will illustrate some of the differences between the two research environments with the goal to help young researchers facing the important decision about where to continue with their research career. Cesare Pautasso is associate professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. Previously he was a researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Lab (2007) and a senior researcher at ETH Zurich (2004-2007). He completed his graduate studies with a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich in 2004. His research group focuses on building experimental systems to explore the intersection of model-driven software composition techniques, business process modelling languages, and autonomic/Cloud computing, Web 2.0 Mashups, and Self-Organizing, Liquid Service Oriented Architectures.