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Charla en el marco del Programa de Doctorado de la Profesora Kolodziej

  Jueves, 12 de Abril de 2018

  Salón de Grados

Charla invitada de la Profesora Joanna Kolodziej, de la Universidad Tecnológica de Cracovia. La charla se enmarca dentro del Programa de Doctorado de Informática de nuestra Escuela.

Title: New trends in cloud resource management - BlockChain-based cloud scheduler.

Speaker: Prof. Joanna Kolodziej, Cracow University of Technology, Poland.

Abstract: Cloud computing paradigm is based on providing on-demand access to computing resources to the cloud end users in the form of VM instances over the physical grid clusters. On one hand, the end users request the service providers to allocate them the set of computing resources (Virtual Machine instances on physical hosts) to realize their computing tasks. The service providers usually use heuristics-based approaches for such allocation and users’ tasks scheduling. On the other hand, the allocation and service algorithms should be defined to meet the service providers’ business objectives. Service providers may also need to impose a set of additional conditions on the allocation and scheduling algorithms, particularly in the way they access infrastructure resources, to maintain the security and the performance of their system.

Although many resource allocation and scheduling algorithms have been developed, security remains a challenging research issue in today's cloud computing. Based on the very new concept of block chain technology for modelling the data BlockCloud, the generic model of the BlockCloud scheduler will be presented and compared with the other existing security-aware cloud schedulers.

Bio: Joanna Kolodziej is Professor in the Research and Academic Computer Network (NASK) Institute. She is also the Head of the Department of Computer Sciences at Cracow University of Technology. Prof. Kołodziej serves as the President of the Polish Chapter of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. She participated in several international and national projects including ECONET, 7FP and PARAPHRASE 7FP Grants. Currently, she is the Chair of the cHiPSet Cost Action IC1406 (

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