Referencia INV-PRTR-12-2023-I-004
Duración 8 meses, 15 horas semanales
Grado en Ingeniería Informática-Tecnologías Informáticas.
En el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de Gobierno de España con cargo a los fondos NextGeneration de la Unión Europea, el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores CNA (Universidad de Sevilla-Junta de Andalucía-CSIC) participa en el proyecto “Desarrollo de instrumentación científica avanzada para infraestructuras nacionales e internacionales en Astrofísica y Física de Altas Energías”, para lo cual se convoca la siguiente oferta de contratación de personal.
Plazos de solicitud: 20 al 24 de noviembre de 2023.
Duración del contrato: 19.5 meses.
Salario bruto: 1760 €/mes
Requisito de formación: Grado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones o Grado en Ingeniería informática.
Scopely: Junior hasta 27K; Senior hasta 35K
Associate Game Developer Más información
Client Engineer Más información
Isotrol: Rango Salarial 30-32K
Data Analyst Más información
The "IT: Instituto de Telecomunicações” @ Covilhã (Portugal) will hire one researcher (Ph.D.) for the *** Pattern Recognition and Automatic Learning *** group, having the following tasks:
- Research in *** Data Science *** and the areas that it encompasses: artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as analysis, coding, description, mining, visualization, protection, and communication of multimedia information.
- Publish results in high-impact scientific journals and conference venues.
- Writing of project proposals for competitive funding gathering.
The workplace shall be at Instituto de Telecomunicações - Covilhã Branch, Universidade da Beira Interior.
The Monthly remuneration is set by article 23 (3) of RJEC, corresponding to level 33 of the Salary Table, approved by Order no. 1553-C/2008 of December 31st, i.e.: 2,153.94 Euros/month.
Any national, foreign and stateless candidate(s) holding a doctorate degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or affine area and having a suitable scientific and professional curriculum may submit an application.
In case of doctorate degrees awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the degree must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of 16th of August, and all formalities established therein must be fulfilled, by the selected candidate.
Any manifestations of interest should be sent to Hugo Proença (
We look forward to receive your application.
Fuente: Subdirector de Investigación, Transferencia y Emprendimiento de la ETSII.