"Learning in Silico: neuromorphic models of long-term plasticity"

  Viernes, 17 de Junio de 2016 12:00

  Salon de Grados

Dentro del programa de doctorado en Ingeniería Informática la profesora Elisabetta Chicca impartirá la conferencia “Learning in Silico: neuromorphic models of long-term plasticity”.

Resumen: Synaptic plasticity empowers biological nervous systems with the ability to learn from experience and adjust to environmental changes. Such abilities are a must for artificial autonomous systems and therefore researchers have been devoting significant efforts to the understanding and modelling of plasticity mechanisms. In particular, the field of neuromorphic engineering focuses on the development of full-custom hybrid analog/digital electronic systems for the implementation of models of biological computation and learning in hardware. I will give a short historical overview of the most important plasticity circuits developed following the approach originally proposed by Carver Mead in the late eighties. Afterwards, I will present recent advancements in this field.

Más información.





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