The access to this group is carried out via the Distrito Único Andaluz (DUA), choosing the option "Ingeniería del Software. lngeniería Informática (Grupo en inglés)".
The knowledge of a second language, and in the particular case of computer science studies, of the English language, enables a greater level of job skills to be acquired and provides a higher level of competitiveness for our students. On the other hand, on finding ourselves fully immersed in the European Higher Education Area, he mastery of the English language becomes essential as a basic means of intercommunity communication. The study and improvement of the English language in the first years of the degree courses will facilitate access for our students to studies in foreign universities by receiving grants and international agreements of double degrees. However, according to current regulations, all students of the University of Seville must, before finalizing their degree course, become qualified in a level of knowledge and skill in a second language equivalent, as a minimum, to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (MCERL), which corresponds to a level of an independent user in a foreign language.
The School of Computer Engineering wants to offer its students the possibility of achieving this added value, thereby bringing them closer to the knowledge of the terminology and the language proper to computer science in the English language, while simultaneously pursuing their degree qualifications and attaining an improvement in their English. The possibility of expanding the knowledge of the English language in a transversal way across the various academic years is encouraged by promoting the development of curricular itineraries with subjects taught in English.
The inclusion of the English language into the teaching of the ETSII syllabus is incorporated via an extra group in the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science - Software Engineering (Ingeniería Informática- Ingeniería del Software), in which all subjects of the three first-years courses are delivered in English. In this group, 20 places are offered for the first year course for the theory group; this means forming a smaller group, which can result in better personal monitoring of the students. The division and organization into practical and laboratory subgroups is similar to that of the other groups in Spanish, depending on the teaching model of each subject.