"Modeling and AI: friends or foes?" por el profesor Jordi Cabot

  Martes, 11 de Junio de 2019 10:30

  Salón de Grados

AI is infiltrating all industries and the software industry is no exception. But is this a fad or really the future of software development? And what role could modeling play in this future?

In this talk, we will review promising applications of AI techniques in model-driven engineering and the many challenges that remain to be solved before we see the first real and usable AI-enhanced modeling IDE. Among other examples, we will discuss how neural networks can kill model transformation languages or how virtual modelers could become our ideal "pair designer". But make no mistake, AI needs us more than we need AI. The future of AI is model-based. During the talk, we will also cover how modeling can help to bring AI to the masses and simplify the fragmented landscape of AI libraries, platforms and tools.

Curriculum breve del ponente:

Jordi Cabot is an ICREA Research Professor at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) where he leads the SOM (Systems, Software and Models) Lab. Previously, he was the leader of the AtlanMod team, an INRIA research group at École des Mines de Nantes (France) and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto. He received his BSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the Technical University of Catalonia.

His research falls into the broad area of systems and software engineering, especially promoting the rigorous use of software models and engineering principles in all software engineering tasks while keeping an eye on the most unpredictable element in any project: the people involved in it. Current research topics include the development of pragmatic formal verification techniques, the study of scalability challenges in the design and deployment of large systems and the role AI can play in (model-driven) software development (and vice versa). Apart from his scientific publications, he writes and blogs about all these topics in his Modeling Languages portal.





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